Have you experienced or witnessed discrimination in your community?
The United Against Discrimination (UAD) incident reporting portal is an online form where you can report hate crime and other forms of discrimination that you have experienced or witnessed. The information submitted by you will be used to create a database to generate awareness about racism and discrimination in our community. This data will also help build capacity of the community service providers to respond to these incidents.
What is Discrimination & Hate Crime?
Discrimination is when people or groups of people are treated unfairly or prejudicially based race, gender, age, disability, religion, or sexual orientation. Racism is a form of discrimination based on race.
Hate Crime is a criminal offence committed against a person or property, which is motivated by the suspect’s hate, prejudice or bias against an identifiable group and includes verbal abuse/threats, physical assault or damage to property (as defined in section 718.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada). Name calling, insults, displaying hate material on a private property or in public places are examples of hate incidents. If such behavior threatens a person or property, it becomes a hate crime.
We understand that it is difficult to talk about discrimination and hate but remember that you have a right to feel safe and by reporting an incident you are taking the first step to make your community a safer place.
Collaboration with UBC & Thompson Okanagan Respect Network
This project is a collaboration of the Respect Network, UBC Okanagan & KCR Community Resources to report hate crime in the Thompson Okanagan region. The South Okanagan Similikameen Respect Network, let by the South Okanagan Immigrant and Community Services (SOICS) is part of the Thompson-Okanagan Respect Network. These networks of community organizations and representatives work against racism and hate crime. They are a part of the provincial Resilience BC initiative that supports anti-racism work.
Learn about:
Respect Network: www.soics.ca/anti-racism/respect-network
Resilience BC: Anti-Racism Network: www.resiliencebc.ca
SOS Respect Network Anti-Racism Initiatives:
Anti-Racism Resource Handbook: www.soics.ca/anti-racism/resource-handbook
UNBOX Allyship is active: www.soics.ca/anti-racism/unbox